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Star One C4/MSG-4 launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

July 15, 2015 – Ariane Flight VA224

Arianespace Ariane 5ECA launch vehicle has successfully delivered Star One C4 and meteorological MSG-4 satellites to the target orbit. It is a 66th consecutive successful Ariane 5 launch!

More info:

Star One C4 satellite technical details

Directv-15/SkyMexico-1 - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

May 27, 2015 – Ariane Flight VA223

Arianespace Ariane 5ECA launch vehicle has successfully delivered DirecTV-15 for DIRECTV of the U.S. and SKY Mexico’s SKY Mexico-1 satellites to the target orbit.

More info:

DirecTV 15 satellite technical details

Sky-Mexico 1 satellite technical details

Thor-7/Sicral-2 - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

April 26, 2015 – Ariane Flight VA222

Arianespace Ariane 5ECA launch vehicle has successfully delivered Thor-7 and Sicral-2 satellites to the target orbit.

More info:

Thor 7 satellite technical details and footprints

Inmarsat 5F2 - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

BAIKONUR COSMODROME, Kazakhstan, February 1, 2015

ILS Proton/Breeze-M integrated launch vehicle has successfully delivered next-generation Global Xpress® Inmarsat 5F2 satellite to the target SSTO orbit.

More info:

Inmarsat 5F2 satellite technical details

Astra-2G/Proton-M launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

BAIKONUR COSMODROME, Kazakhstan, December 28, 2014

Proton/Breeze-M integrated launch vehicle has successfully delivered Astra 2G satellite to the target orbit.

More info:

Astra 2G satellite technical details

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