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Falcon-9/ABS-2A/Eutelsat-117-West-B launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

Jun 15, 2016 16:22 GMT

Spacex Falcon-9 launch vehicle has successfully delivered Eutelsat 117 West B/ABS-2A communication satellites to their target orbits. The first stage of Falcon-9 was unfortunately lost during experimental landing on a floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

More info:

More info:

Eutelsat 117 West B technical details and footprints

ABS-2A technical details and footprints

Launch video:

Proton-M/Intelsat-31 - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

June 9th, 2016 – Kosmodrome Baikonur

ILS Proton/Breeze-M launch vehicle has successfully delivered Intelsat-31/DLA-2 communication satellite to its target orbit.

More info:

Intelsat 31 technical details and footprints

Launch video:

Thaicom-8/Falcon-9 Launch Success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

May 27, 2016 – Falcon9/Thaicom-8

Spacex Falcon-9 launch vehicle has successfully delivered Thaicom-8 communication satellite to its target orbit and successfully landed the first stage on a floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

More info:

Thaicom 8 technical details and footprints

Launch video:

JCSat-14/Falcon-9 - launch success
Written by Alexander Deryugin   

May 5, 2016 – Falcon9/JCSat-14

Spacex Falcon-9 launch vehicle has successfully delivered JCSat-14(JCSat-2B) communication satellite to its target orbit and successfully landed the first stage on a floating platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

More info:

JCSat-14 technical details and footprints

Launch video:

Written by Alexander Deryugin   

March 9, 2016 – Ariane Flight VA229

Arianespace Ariane 5 ECA Launch Vehicle has successfully delivered Eutelsat 65 West A communication satellite to its target orbit.

More info:

Eutelsat 65 West A satellite technical details and footprints

Launch video:

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